Pool Cues

Pool Cues available through Seybert's Billiard Supply range from the beginning player to the avid professional player in every style, price range, and level of play. As an Authorized Dealer, we stock the majority of Pool Cues shown on our website, such as Lucasi, Players, Viking, McDermott as well as famed cues like Schon, Meucci, Joss, Predator, and Pechauer with many more in between! Pool Cues for every player at any budget!

Custom Cues

Discover a perfect combination of craftsmanship and performance with custom cues from Seybert's Billiard Supply. Our range of cues boasts an exceptional variety, tailored to the specific proficiency of each player. Enjoy the freedom of customizing options like tip, wrap, shaft diameter, weight, and even engraving to enhance your playstyle. Elevate your game with a cue as unique as you.

Some of our featured customizable brands

•Ariel Carmeli
•Jacoby Cues

•McDermott Cues

Upgradable Shafts
Your Choice of tip
Customizabale Weight & Diameter
Custom Wraps Available
Multiple Joint Options
Optional Engraving
Jacoby Element Water Laminated Pool Cue - JACLAMWATER

Jacoby Element Water Laminated Pool Cue - JACLAMWATER

Brand: Jacoby
Type: Cues
Jacoby Element Water custom pool cue. This cue is constructed using Natural, Grey and Blue Maple flat laminates. This design gives the cue both a straight line and butterfly point look.  Cue is signed and dated and comes with a Jacoby hard maple shaft with joint protectors. Veneer colors may vary...
out of 5 ( Reviews)
Jacoby Ebonized Maple Masse Cue - JACMASS

Jacoby Ebonized Maple Masse Cue - JACMASS

Brand: Jacoby
Type: Cues
Jacoby The Masse cue is Ebonized Maple butt (18 inch including Bumper). The shaft is a 14mm Hard Maple shaft measuring 27 1/2 inch with a Elkmaster tip. Weight ranges from 19.5 oz to 20.0 oz
out of 5 ( Reviews)
Jacoby Element Fire Laminated Pool Cue - JACLAMFIRE

Jacoby Element Fire Laminated Pool Cue - JACLAMFIRE

Brand: Jacoby
Type: Cues
Jacoby Element Fire Laminated Pool Cue. This cue is constructed using Black, Yellow, Red and Orange Maple flat laminates. This design gives the cue both a straight line and butterfly point look.  Cue is signed and dated and comes with a Jacoby hard maple shaft with joint protectors. Veneer colors...
out of 5 ( Reviews)
Jacoby Laminated Red and Grey - LAMRDGY

Jacoby Laminated Red and Grey - LAMRDGY

Brand: Jacoby
Type: Cues
Jacoby Red and Grey Laminated Pool Cue. This is constructed  using  red and grey Maple veneers to make the laminated layers.  Completing this cue is a white joint collar and butt ring. Cue is signed and dated and comes with a solid maple shaft. Veneer colors may vary from picture.
out of 5 ( Reviews)

Types of Cues

Break Cues

Break cues are specially constructed for high impact shots and maximum ball spread. From the specialized hardened tips to the construction of the shaft these cues are specifically designed to make sure you can transfer the energy of you shot into the cue ball seamlessly and efficiently every time.

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Jump Cues

Jump cues allows you eliminate those hooked hard to hit, kick, and 3 rail shots. With the wide selection of jump cues from Viking Predator, Cuetec, Jacoby, and McDermott and others make sure you can get out of any predicament by having a cue specifically made to jump into position.

Break/Jump Cues

These cues are specifically designed for not only the most powerful breaks available, they quickly break down into a jump cue with a simple re-configuration.

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House Cues

These House cues feature a maple shaft (except the Cuetec House Cues) to ensure a quality playing experience the guests of your home or pool room.

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Core Brands